What WE DO….
Personalized Plans
Our programs management team works with each program participant, their case manager and others who are a part of their ISP team, to come up with personalized goals, protocols and support documents.
Self directed supports
Self directed supports is a way of providing services that empower participants to have informed choices about how support is provided to them, with a focus on working together to achieve individual outcomes.
With staff support, participants make the weekly calendar, and choose which events to attend daily.
Community Partners and Events
Encompass Person Centered has Partnered with the YMCA to host Dances and events outside of program hours. Along with a weekly sensory friendly work out class every Monday
We have also partnered with the Caveman Bowl to hold a weekly bowling BOGO Special on Wednesdays, September-May!
JD’s Sports Bar has partnered with us for a Karaoke and lunch special day every other Thursday.
Follow us on Facebook for information on future events!
Along with our weekly calander, Encompass plans events for all supported individuals in our community, not just those enrolled in the DSA program.
Staff is always on the lookout for extra opportunities to add to our calendar. We work beyond your standard 9-5 schedule to ensure supports are available to ALL event participants.